Alert! Before opening a support ticket please keep the following in mind:
1. If you are having e-mail issues please use an e-mail address that is NOT located at your domain so you will receive the ticket updates.
2. If it’s an e-mail problem please include your e-mail username and password.
3. When you receive the ticket update from us please DO NOT reply via e-mail. Please login to the support ticket to reply for all correspondence related to the ticket. The support ticket is a closed communications system that is designed to contain everything relating to the problem and it’s resolution. It is not efficient to mix the support ticket and e-mail communications.
4. The support ticket system gives you the option to create a personal account where all your tickets are stored in one location for future reference. You can open a support ticket without having a personal support account. If you want all your tickets in the same account for future reference you will need to register a new account. Please keep a record of your support account username and password for future reference.
Thank you for opening a support ticket. Please click here to open your ticket.